Deputy Vice Rector
Emanuele Tondi is Full Professor of Structural Geology at the School of Science and Technologies at the University of Camerino.
His research activities primarily focus on the study of brittle deformation, with implications for solving seismotectonic issues, seismic hazard assessment, and the recovery of geofluids from carbonate rocks. From 2000 to 2006, he was a Member of the Management Committee of the COST 625 action, European Scientific Project: "3D Monitoring of active tectonic structures." Additionally, he served as the National Scientific Coordinator for the PRIN2005 project “Enucleation, growth and structural organization of different types of crustal scale shear zones”" and the PRIN2009 project "Deformation in carbonate rocks: implications for the characterization and modeling of natural geofluid reservoirs." He also acted as the Principal Investigator for university projects, including FAR 2014 "Characterization and modeling of natural geofluid reservoirs in fractured carbonate rocks" and FAR 2019 NoHard project "Innovative approach for the analysis of time-dependent seismic risk and seismic damage scenarios".
In the context of his research topics, Emanuele Tondi has been responsible for various research agreements and contracts between the University of Camerino and public and private entities, including INGV, Enel Green Power, Shell, Total, Statoil, Gas de France, Engie, and Neptunenergy. He also spent periods as a visiting researcher at Stanford University in California, USA, in 2005 and 2014, and at the Institut de Physique du Globe at the University of Strasbourg, France, in 2015. One of his scientific works published in the Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 28, Number 3 (2006), was among the "Top 50 most-cited articles worldwide" from January 2006 to February 2011. He received an award in recognition of his contributions during the EGU General Assembly in Vienna. Throughout his career, Emanuele Tondi has served as a guest editor for various special volumes in internationally distributed scientific journals, including the Journal of Geodynamics, Tectonophysics, and Journal of Structural Geology.
His research findings have been published in more than 121 articles in international indexed scientific journals, with an H-index of 40 as of September 2023 ( In January 2021, he was recognized as one of the 14 most-cited faculty members at the University of Camerino, according to a ranking compiled by Stanford University.
In addition to his academic activities, Emanuele Tondi has held various institutional positions, including being responsible for the Geology Division at the School of Sciences and Technology at the University of Camerino from 2014 to 2020. He also founded, and served as the scientific director of the academic spinoff “Geological Modeling for Risks and Resouces Evaluation – GEOMORE; at the University of Camerino, with a website available at Furthermore, he held the position of Expert in the Structure of the Commissioner for Reconstruction following the 2016 earthquake from November 15, 2021, to November 1, 2023, and from October 2019 to October 31, 2023, he was responsible for the Rector's Delegation for "Cooperation and mobility programs with non-European countries" from October 2019 to October 2023. Currently, Emanuele Tondi is the co-Director of the scientific project "Reservoir Characterization Project," funded by energy companies (
He is also responsible for, with rectoral delegation (CdA of February 27, 2019), the INGV SEDE at the University of Camerino, a member of the scientific committee of REDI - REducing risks of natural DIsasters, a research consortium between the University of Camerino, INGV, GSSI, and INFN. Additionally, he coordinates the jointly offered Ph.D. program in "Natural Hazards and Disaster Risk Reduction - NHDRR."
Emanuele Tondi was elected Vice-Rector for the six-year term from 2023 to 2029 at the University of Camerino, alongside Rector Prof. Graziano Leoni.