Tool4MedLife - Project Kick-Off Meeting

Data evento

From Tradition to Innovation: New Foods and Educational Toolkits for a Healthy and Sustainable Mediterranean Lifestyle

Camerino September 18, 2023
Sala Convegni del Rettorato - via D’Accorso 16
Aula virtuale

10:00 Institutional Welcome Speech and opening activities
10:10 PRIMA Executive Director Welcome Speech
10:15 PRIMA Project Officer presentation: PRIMA Reporting and Monitoring procedure and platform (MEL), Dr. Mohamed Wageih
10:45 Tool4MEDLife Project PI: Project background & scope, Prof. Silvia Vincenzetti
11:10 Coffee Break

11:30 Tool4MEDLife Project PI: Team Introduction
11:50 Tool4MEDLife Project Manager: Project Organization & Timeline
12:15 Tool4MEDLife Project PI & WP Leaders: Roles & Responsibilities
13:00 Tool4MEDLife Project PI: Next Steps
13:15 Q&A
13:30 Light Lunch
15:00 Guided Visit to UNICAM structures
