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We wish to thank all authors who submitted an abstract for presentation at SILS 2019. More than 80 abstracts have been submitted by the deadline. Authors will receive a feedback not after July 15th 2019.

If you wish to submit a late abstract for poster presentation or if you have an enquiry concerning abstract submission for the SILS 2019 please contact us by e-mail at sils2019@unicam.it .

Abstracts have to be prepared according to the instructions detailed in the abstract template

Please let us know by e-mail if you wish to write a contribution for the conference proceedings to be published as a volume of the "Springer Proceedings in Physics” series and you did not tick the corresponding box in the abstract submission form.
Depending on the response from the participants, the scientific committee will decide within a few weeks whether to publish or not a proceedings volume.

Oral presentations
Oral presentations will be selected among the submitted contributions.
15/20 minutes are dedicated to each oral contributed presentation depending on the session. 

Poster presentation
The official poster session will take place on Tuesday September 10 just after lunch.
Author(s) attendance is required.